Hi, I'm Ilyas Kritet
Tech student at the University of corse, able to work in different platforms using varying technologies and frameworks (Web development, Mobile development and Database development).

Materials resources management
web admin application for materials resources management (toner, pc ,printer) ,the application allows the admin to keep track of materials and users requests for printers toners also the application give the ability to keep track of the most important changes in the database like updates and deletes
- php
- MySql
- Bootstrap

E-commerce platform giving the ability to surf the store ,searching for specific products either with names or categories ,add products to the cart and pay either with paypal or stripe also the platform has a admin panel for the admin to manage products, users, and deliver products. plus some extra features.
- React
- Express
- Redux
- MySql
- sequelize
React javascript calculator
A calculator developed using ReactJs and javascript that can handle addition,subtraction, multiplication and division.
- React
- javascript
React markdown previewer
A markdown previewer using React and Javascript
- React
- javascript
- Scss
React cocktails App
A React cocktails App using React and javascript
- React
- javascript
- react-dom
I've woked with a range of technologies in the web development world. From Front-end To Back-end
Experience with React.js
Experience with Node.js and Databases
Experience with Databases (SQL, NOSQL)
About Me
Tech student at the University of corse.
Dedicated, motivated and qualified programmer with strong technical skills.
I’m able to work in different platforms using varying technologies and frameworks (Web development, Mobile development and Database development).
Contact me to find out more.
High school diploma
Associate's degree in cs
Bachelor's degree in Computer Systems and Software Engineering
Full stack web developer freelancer
Tech student at the University of corse
Personal Acomplishments
Open Source Projects
Github Followers
Github Stars